The ICAIRES2022 Organizing Committee invites proposals for Special Sessions to be held during the 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems in Tamanrasset, Algeria from 20th November till 22nd November 2022

Special sessions complement the regular technical program by highlighting new and emerging research topics or innovative applications of established approaches. The topic of a special session proposal should be timely and compelling.

While we welcome special sessions in all areas of Artificial intelligence and Renewable Energy Systems, we are particularly interested in focused research topics, specifically those related to the conference’s innovation themes. Special sessions can also cover any other area focusing on challenging open problems of relevance in applications. The participation of speakers from the industry in a special session proposal is encouraged and will be positively evaluated when the proposal is assessed.

Note that all papers will be subject to the same peer-review process as regular papers.

Special Session Proposals

Please submit proposals (1 page) in pdf format by email to

Proposal should include the following information :

  • Title and abstract: Propose a title and a brief abstract of no more than approximately 400 words explaining why the topic of the special session is novel and timely, why it is relevant to the ICAIRES2022 community and how it possibly fits within the innovation themes, that will allow conference attendees to understand the topic and the focus of the special session.
  • A short biography
  • Technical sessions are normally expected to have 5 papers, allowing only one paper per speaker.