Information for authors

We seek to publish papers that are influential in their fields or across fields and that will substantially advance scientific understanding. Selected papers should present novel and broadly important data, syntheses, or concepts. We welcome submissions from all fields of science related to artificial intelligence and renewable energy.

Manuscripts should be submitted at our manuscript submission and information portal. The status of submitted manuscripts can also be tracked at this portal.

Note: If our iThenticate system shows a similarity of 20% or more between your submitted paper and published material, your paper will be rejected.

Authors should familiarize themselves with the overall editorial policies for the ICAIRES conferences before submitting their paper. These policies spell out the rights and responsibilities that authors agree to when submitting and publishing their papers.

Peer-Reviewed Research Manuscripts

Research Articles (up to ~5000 words, including references, notes and captions–corresponds to ~6 printed pages) are expected to present a major advance. Research Articles include an abstract, an introduction, up to six figures or tables, sections with brief subheadings, and about 20 references. Materials and Methods should be included in the paper, which should also include information needed to support the paper’s conclusions.

ICAIRES2025 Conference also accepts Research Articles for ONLINE presentation.

The full text will be included in all digital versions of ICAIRES2025 Conference, and a structured abstract will be included in the print version. A pdf of the full article can be downloaded.

We accept submissions only online at  or click the button bellow. Preparing a manuscript that follows our guidelines concerning length, style and acceptable file formats will facilitate the evaluation process.

Authors and reviewers must have an account to sign into our Content Tracking System at If you do not have an account, you will need to create one by following the prompts on the welcome page. Once you have an account, you can use it for submissions to ICAIRES2025 Conference and it will serve as a record for the author and reviewer information. We have divided information about the submission process into 5 sections. We hope this information will help you prepare and successfully submit your manuscript.

Presented and selected  papers will be published by Springer in a Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Series book, indexed on WoS and Scopus, entitled:

“….To be Added…”

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Participants in the 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems can download the template from the button bellow